Appendix B: Report on State Initiatives to Develop Site Exchange Web Sites*


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A: States listing Properties for Sale as of December 2000
State Program Title
Massachusetts BF-JUMPSTART
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Land Recycling Program
B: Status of Initiatives by Other States as of December 2000
State Program Title
California Site Migitation Program

Iowa Web Site Under Consideration


North Carolina
New York Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act of 1996 Environmental Restoration Projects, Brownfields Program
Oregon Potential Brownfields
Puerto Rico Brownfields Initiative
Tennessee Voluntary Cleanup, Oversight, and Assistance Program
Texas Voluntary Cleanup Program
Virginia Voluntary Remediation Program
Washington Voluntary Cleanup Program
Wisconsin Brownfields Location Information System (BLIS) (Prototype Only)

*NOTE: The information presented in this report was obtained from informal discussions with personnel representing (1) states that approached EPA to discuss their potential involvement in the brownfields site exchange, (2) states that have publicly available web sites that include information about individual brownfields properties and other sites, and (3) a random sampling of other states. The report provides a general "snapshot" of the availability of information about brownfields property nationwide and efforts by states to collect such information and present it to the general public. The report is not intended to be a fully accurate and complete representation of any individual state program, nor of the potential for those states to participate ultimately in a national web site containing brownfields properties. This report was prepared during December 2000; the status of the state initiatives may have changed since that time. EPA wishes to thank the individuals who provided information for this analysis.


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