Performance Based Criteria, A Panel Discussion
Michael T. Homsher (Hazardous Material Management Program at the University of Findlay, Findlay, Ohio); Fred Haeberer, PhD (Quality Assurance Management Staff at U.S. EPA, Washington, DC); Paul J. Marsden, PhD (senior scientist at Scientific Applications Inc., San Diego, CA); Ronald K. Mitchum, PhD (president of Research Triangle Laboratories in Columbus, Ohio); Dean Neptune, PhD (Quality Assurance Management Staff at U.S. EPA, Washington, DC); and John Warren, PhD (Office of Policy Planning for U.S. EPA, Washington, DC)
These two articles were published in the Environmental Lab (ISSN #1042-5209) (a trade magazine no longer published). These articles can still be obtained through interlibrary loan request. Full citations for the articles:
Homsher, M.T.; F. Haeberer; P.J. Marsden; R.K. Mitchum; D. Neptune; and J. Warren. Performance Based Criteria, A Panel Discussion. Environmental Lab, October/November, 1991, pp. 10-15.
Homsher, M.T.; F. Haeberer; P.J. Marsden; R.K. Mitchum; D. Neptune; and J. Warren. Performance Based Criteria, A Panel Discussion: Part II. Environmental Lab, December/January 1991/92, pp. 10-15.
On July 9, 1991, five panel members representing several sectors of the environmental analysis industry convened in Washington, DC, at the invitation of the University of Findlay, Wheaton Scientific, I-Chem Research and VWR Scientific. The objectives of the discussion were: 1) to increase awareness of sampling variability in environmental measurements, and 2) to suggest approaches to deal with sampling variability. (The meeting discussion was published as two separate articles, both of which are included in the PDF file.)
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