Sediment Characterization
Sediment Remediation
SedNet Projects
Persistent Organic Pollutants Control
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Tours de Table
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Sediment Characterization |
Assessment of Drainage Basin Contamination by Stream and Floodplain Sediment Geochemical Surveys—Alecos Demetriades (Greece) (PDF) (63 pp, 7.77 MB) | PowerPoint Version (43.4 MB)
Sediment Remediation |
An Integrated Approach for the Remediation of a Catchment Impacted by Former Mercury Mining—Milena Horvat (Slovenia) (PDF) (40 pp, 4.15 MB) | PowerPoint Version (22.2 MB)
Anacostia Active Capping Demonstration Status—Danny Reible (United States)
(PDF) (31 pp, 2.50 MB)
Sediment Biobarriers for Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Reaching Surface Water—L. Diels, K. Hamonts, M. Maesen, A. Ryngaert, J. Vos, W. Dejonghe, T. Kuhn, R. Meckenstock, N-H Peters, H. Kalka, J. Dijk, D. Springael (Belgium) (PDF) (35 pp, 25.8 MB) | PowerPoint Version (2.64 MB)
Reductive Bio-Modification of Sediment Contaminants: An In Situ, Molecular Hydrogen Formation Approach—Guy W. Sewell (United States)
(PDF) (27 pp, 849 KB) | PowerPoint Version (2.33 MB)
Contaminated Sediments in Italy: Methodological Approaches and State of the Art of Characterization and Reclamation Activities Carried Out Within Sites of National Interest—C. Mariotti, L. De Propris, T. Sarlo, P. Renzi, S. Geraldini (Italy) (PDF) (35 pp, 5.19 MB) | PowerPoint Version (34.5 MB)
Removal Standards and Control Measure for Bottom Sediments Contaminated by Toxic Substances in Japan—Masaaki Hosomi (Japan)
(PDF) (78 pp, 8.68 MB) | PowerPoint Version (21.4 MB)
SedNet Projects |
An Introduction to SedNet—Jos Brils (IThe Netherlands) (PDF) (26 pp, 999 KB) | PowerPoint Version (6.61 MB)
Risk Assessment of Contaminated Sediments in River Basins: Theoretical Considerations and Pragmatic Approach—Ulrich Förstner, Susanne Heise (Germany) (PDF) (26 pp, 1.53 MB) | PowerPoint Version (7.44 MB)
"Sediment Management – An Essential Element of River Basin Management Plans"—Ulrich Förstner (Germany) (PDF) (21 pp, 997 KB) | PowerPoint Version (8.13 MB)
Towards Risk Based Management of European River Basins: An Introduction to the EC FP 6 Project Risk Base—Jos Brils (The Netherlands)
(PDF) (20 pp, 866 KB) | PowerPoint Version (4.29 MB)
Persistent Organic Pollutants Control |
POP's Reduction Strategy in Surface Water of Industrialized Regions, Klodnica River Case Study—Janusz Krupanek, Urszula Zielonka, Monika Dzialoszynska-Wawrzkiewicz (Poland) (PDF) (23 pp, 1.39 MB) | PowerPoint Version (15.5 MB)
Best Available Ecological Friendly Technologies for Utilization or Destruction of POP's in the Russian Federation—Sergey E. Tikhonov (Russian Federation) (PDF) (31 pp, 1.04 MB) | PowerPoint Version (5.15 MB)
Other Topics |
SNOWMAN: A New Initiative for Transnational Research Funding and Cooperation in Europe—Nadine Dueslo, Johan van Veen (The Netherlands) (PDF) (18 pp, 630 KB) | PowerPoint Version (1.42 MB)
National Inventory of Potential Sources of Soil Contamination in Cyprus: Part 1 Compilation of the Inventory of Soil Polluting Activities—Alecos Demetriades, Nikos Androulakakis, Maria Kaminari, Katerina Vergou (Greece) (PDF) (43 pp, 1.13 MB) | PowerPoint Version (7.69 MB)
National Inventory of Potential Sources of Soil Contamination in Cyprus: Part 2 Risk-Based Approach to Assessment of Cypriot Contaminated Sites—Eleonora Wcislo, Marek Korcz (Poland) (PDF) (35 pp, 226 KB) | PowerPoint Version (556 KB)
Mapping of Geochemical Contamination in Urban Areas of Lithuania—Virgilija Gregorauskiene (Lithuania) (PDF) (19 pp, 2.91 MB) | PowerPoint Version (6.32 MB)
Pilot Project "Regional Risk Assessment of Mining Sites and Contaminated Sites in the Upper Silesia Region"—Janusz Krupanek, Marek Korcz, Jacek Kasinski, Michal Gientka, Joanna Kulczycka, Marco D’Alessandro, Stefan Sommer, Anca-Marina Vijdea (Poland)
(PDF) (18 pp, 632 KB) | PowerPoint Version (2.23 MB)
North Bohemian Tertiary Sedimentary Basins and Negative Impact of Brown Coal Mining on the Environment—Kvetoslav Vlk (Czech Republic) (PDF) (28 pp, 3.33 MB) | PowerPoint Version (24.4 MB)
Remediation of Cretaceous Sediments Affected by Uranium In-situ Leaching (ISL) in the Czech Republic—Josef Tomas (Czech Republic) (PDF) (25 pp, 3.31 MB) | PowerPoint Version (62.6 MB)
Tours de Table |
Italy: Developments in the New Legislation and Progress in the Remediation of Contaminated Sites—Francesca Quercia (Italy) (PDF) (11 pp, 363 KB) | PowerPoint Version (1.09 MB)
Netherlands Tour de Table—Johan van Veen (Netherlands) (PDF) (13 pp, 282 KB) | PowerPoint Version (3.50 MB)
Development of Contaminated Site Management System for Turkey—Kahraman Ünlü (Turkey) (PDF) (18 pp, 318 KB) | PowerPoint Version (594 KB)
France Tour de Table—Nadine Dueso (France) (PDF) (15 pp, 218 KB) | PowerPoint Version (953 KB)
Recent Developments on Contaminated Land in Greec—Anthimos Xenidis (Greece) (PDF) (17 pp, 271 KB) | PowerPoint Version (297 KB)
Update on the Superfund Program: U.S. Tour de Table—Walter W. Kovalick, Jr. (United States) (PDF) (18 pp, 1.04 MB) | PowerPoint Version (3.79 MB)
Tour de Table Belgium: State of the Art of Soil Remediation—Ludo Diels (Belgium) (PDF) (27 pp, 2.06 MB) | PowerPoint Version (7.61 MB)
Lithuania Tour de Table—Kestutis Kadunas (Lithuania) (PDF) (13 pp, 1.34 MB) | PowerPoint Version (3.78 MB)
Poland Tour de Table—Janusz Krupanek, Eleonora Wcislo (Poland) (PDF) (22 pp, 154 KB) | PowerPoint Version (250 KB)
Canada Tour de Table—Lisa Keller (Canada) (PDF) (18 pp, 781 KB) | PowerPoint Version (762 KB)
Germany Tour de Table—Jörg Frauenstein (Germany) (PDF) (33 pp, 2.28 MB) | PowerPoint Version (5.89 MB)
The State of Contaminated Land Policy and Program Implementation in Latvia—Ilgonis Strauss (Latvia) (PDF) (32 pp, 408 KB) | PowerPoint Version (411 KB)
Environmental Liabilities Summary—Kvetoslav Vlk, Josef Tomas (Czech Republic) (PDF) (7 pp, 315 KB) | PowerPoint Version (519 KB)