U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

This content is being minimally managed and was last updated in July 2021. EPA recognizes that this content is relevant to site remediation stakeholders and will continue streamlined review and maintenance of this content.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Site Profiles

Spin City Dry Cleaners, Plano, Texas

Historical activity that resulted in contamination.

Spin City Dry Cleaners (Dry Clean City - $1.25) was a PCE drycleaning facility that operated in the Parkwood Square Shopping Center from 1984 - 2000. In 1997, an investigation found contaminated soil and groundwater at the site. The contaminant source area is the soil beneath the facility floor slab.

Contaminants present and the highest amount detected in both soil and groundwater.

Contaminant Media Concentration (ppb) Nondetect
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene groundwater 900 ppb
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene soil 130 ppb
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) groundwater 2,900 ppb
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) soil 47,350 ppb
Trichloroethene (TCE) groundwater 320 ppb
Trichloroethene (TCE) soil 1,500 ppb
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene soil 140 ppb

Site Hydrology

Deepest Significant Groundwater Contamination:   18ft bgs
Plume Size:  
Average Depth to Groundwater:   7.5ft

Lithology and Subsurface Geology

  Clay with gravel and minor sand
Depth: 0-16ft bgs
16ft thick
Conductivity: 0.209ft/day
Gradient: 0.01ft/ft
  Weathered limestone
Depth: 16-18ft bgs
2ft thick

Pathways and DNAPL Presence

DNAPL Present

Remediation Scenario

Cleanup Goals:
  Groundwater: PCE = 500 µg/l
Soil: PCE - 500 µg/kg; TCE = 500 µg/kg


In Situ Chemical Oxidation

Why the technology was selected:
In-situ chemical oxidation using Fenton's reaction was selected after a four-month bench test using soil samples collected from the site.

Date implemented:
September 2000

Final remediation design:
Four injection points were installed to depths of 16 to 18 ft BGS using a pneumatic hammer. Three injection points were screened for horizontal distribution of injectants and one point was screened vertically to facilitate vertical distribution of injectants over the contaminated soil. Hydraulic fracturing was utilized to introduce course sand to propogate fractures in the aquifer. Calculations indicate that the radial extent of the induced fractures was 60 ft. Water was injected into the the vertically screened injection point to saturate the vadose zone soils. Six injection events were conducted: 4 in September, one in October and one in November of 2000. A biodegradeable surfactant (550 gallons) was injected at each injection point to desorb contaminants from the soil/aquifer. This was followed by a solution of proprietary catalyst (116 gallons). Finally, a mixture of a proprietary acid (295 gallons) and hydrogen peroxide (515 gallons, concentration not given) was injected at each injection point. The maximum injection rate was 2.0 for the the horizontal points and 0.7 gallons for the vertical point. The volume of treated soil was approximatley 172 cubic yards. The groundwater treatment area was approximately 0.74 acres.

Results to date:
Post-remediation soil sampling was conducted in March 2001, and post-remediation groundwater sampling was conducted in January 2001. Contaminant concentrations were reduced 56 to 99.9% in soils and groundwater contaminant concentrations showed reductions of 83 to 100%.

Next Steps:
A Certificate of Completion was issued for the site on November 12, 2002.


Cost for Assessment:
  No cost data was available.
Cost for Operation and Maintenance:
Total Costs for Cleanup:


Merrie Smith
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
Voluntary Cleanup Program
12100 Park Circle, Bldg.D
Austin, Texas 78753

David Lent
IVI Environmental, Inc.
105 Corporate Park Drive
White Plains, New York 10604
Phone: 914-694-9600


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