U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

This content is being minimally managed and was last updated in July 2021. EPA recognizes that this content is relevant to site remediation stakeholders and will continue streamlined review and maintenance of this content.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners Site Profiles

Dry Clean USA #11401, Boca Raton, Florida

Historical activity that resulted in contamination.

This is an active perchloroethylene (PCE) drycleaning facility that has been in operation since 1982. The nearest public supply well is approximately 1,500 ft southwest of the facility. Contaminant source areas include the soils beneath the facility floor slab near the drycleaning machine and the stormwater drain.

Remediation Status: In groundwater monitoring

Contaminants present and the highest amount detected in both soil and groundwater.

Contaminant Media Concentration (ppb) Nondetect
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene groundwater 2,177 ppb
1,1-Dichloroethene groundwater 60 ppb
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) groundwater 27,600 ppb
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) soil 3,200 ppb
Trichloroethene (TCE) groundwater 8,120 ppb
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene groundwater 103 ppb

Site Hydrology

Deepest Significant Groundwater Contamination:   85ft bgs
Plume Size:   Plume Length: 640ft
Plume Width: 150ft
Plume Thickness: 90ft
Average Depth to Groundwater:   7ft

Lithology and Subsurface Geology

  Fine-grained sand & sandy clay
Depth: 0-4ft bgs
4ft thick
Conductivity: 71.7ft/day
Gradient: 0.0002ft/ft
  Very fine to medium grained sands
Depth: 4-70ft bgs
66ft thick
  Soft, silty limestone
Depth: 70-75ft bgs
5ft thick
  Limestone interbedded with sand and silt
Depth: 75ft bgs

Pathways and DNAPL Presence

checkDNAPL Present

Vapor Intrusion Pathway

Has the potential for vapor intrusion (VI) been evaluated?
Has a vapor mitigation system been installed?
Type of Vapor Mitigation System(s):
  Soil Vapor Extraction

Remediation Scenario

Cleanup Goals:
  Groundwater (MCLs): PCE= 3.0 µg /L, TCE= 3.0 µg /L, cis 1,2-DCE= 70 µg/L, trans 1,2-DCE= 100 µg /L, vinyl chloride= 1.0 µg/L
Soils (Leachability-Based levels): PCE= 30 µg/kg
Remedy Level:
  Full Scale Remedy


In Situ Air Sparging

Why the technology was selected:
Air sparge/Soil Vapor extraction was utilized because soils/sediments were permeable and the bulk of the contaminant mass was located at relatively shallow depths ` 40 ft BLS.

Date implemented:
Air Sparge/Soil Vapor Extraction: October 26, 2000

Final remediation design:
Full-scale remediation design is as follows: SVE Wells: 2 (installed as horizontal wells in trenches) Design flow rate: 160 scfm Actual avg. air flow rate: 215 scfm Design vacuum: 84 inches of water column Motor size: 7.5 hp Radius of influence: 30 ft Air Sparging Depth: 50 and 85 ft bgs Radius of influence: 23-25 ft Points: 11 shallow and 1 deep Pressure: 53 psig Flow rate: 43 scfm Motor size: 10 hp

Results to date:
The air sparge/SVE system was shut down on May 28, 2003. The site is now in post-active remedial monitoring. Contaminant concentrations continue to decline. During the june 2008 monitoring event one well produced a groundwater sample with a cis 1,2-DCE concentration of 195 ug/l. Highest concentrations detected of other contaminants were: PCE 7.18 ug/l, TCE 2.66 ug/l. No vinyl chloride has been detected in groundwater samples collected from this site.

Next Steps:
Continue groundwater monitoring

Cost to Design and Implement:
$22,675 (Interim Remedial Measures, i.e., storm sewer cleanout) $236,834.34

In Situ Soil Vapor Extraction

Why the technology was selected:
Air sparge/Soil Vapor extraction was utilized because soils/sediments were permeable and the bulk of the contaminant mass was located at relatively shallow depths ` 40 ft BLS.

Date implemented:
Air Sparge/Soil Vapor Extraction: October 26, 2000

Final remediation design:
Full-scale remediation design is as follows: SVE Wells: 2 (installed as horizontal wells in trenches) Design flow rate: 160 scfm Actual avg. air flow rate: 215 scfm Design vacuum: 84 inches of water column Motor size: 7.5 hp Radius of influence: 30 ft Air Sparging Depth: 50 and 85 ft bgs Radius of influence: 23-25 ft Points: 11 shallow and 1 deep Pressure: 53 psig Flow rate: 43 scfm Motor size: 10 hp

Results to date:
The air sparge/SVE system was shut down on May 28, 2003. The SVE system recoverd an estimated 52.9 pounds of VOCs. The site is now in post-active remedial monitoring. Contaminant concentrations continue to decline. During the june 2008 monitoring event one well produced a groundwater sample with a cis 1,2-DCE concentration of 195 ug/l. Highest concentrations detected of other contaminants were: PCE 7.18 ug/l, TCE 2.66 ug/l. No vinyl chloride has been detected in groundwater samples collected from this site.

Next Steps:
Continue groundwater monitoring

Cost to Design and Implement:
$22,675 (Interim Remedial Measures, i.e., storm sewer cleanout) $236,834.34

Ex Situ Soil Removal

Why the technology was selected:
Contaminated sediments in the storm drain were excavated because they were accessible.

Date implemented:
Contaminated sediment removal: May 1998

Final remediation design:
An Interim Source Removal was conducted in May of 1998 when 1.4 cubic yards of sediment were removed from a storm drain.

Results to date:
The site is now in post-active remedial monitoring. Contaminant concentrations continue to decline. During the june 2008 monitoring event one well produced a groundwater sample with a cis 1,2-DCE concentration of 195 ug/l. Highest concentrations detected of other contaminants were: PCE 7.18 ug/l, TCE 2.66 ug/l. No vinyl chloride has been detected in groundwater samples collected from this site.

Next Steps:
Continue groundwater monitoring

Cost to Design and Implement:
$22,675 (Interim Remedial Measures, i.e., storm sewer cleanout) $236,834.34


Cost for Assessment:
Cost for Operation and Maintenance:
  Total for operation of Air Sparge/SVE system: $403,000 Annual groundwater monitoring: $7,000 1 Annual groundwater monitoring: $7,000
Total Costs for Cleanup:

Lessons Learned

1. Treatment system equipment may need to be enclosed in a building to mitigate excessive noise. Design phase activities should include a more extensive review of noise control options. (Complicating factors at this site included the County's refusal to allow the system to be enclosed in a trailer for cosmetic reasons.)
2. Local government agencies might require remedial equipment to be UL certified.


Aaron Cohen
Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Waste Cleanup, MS 4500
2600 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32399

William Vogelsong, PG
Arcadis G&M Inc.
2081 Vista Parkway
West Palm Beach, FL 33411

Site Specific References

1. E & E Contamination Assessment Report-11/97
2. E & E Remedial Action Plan-5/99
3. O&M Reports 2000-2003.
4. Monitoring reports; 2003 - 2008.


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