U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Phytotechnology Project Profiles

Phytoremediation at RTDF Site I in Illinois
Last Updated: December 2006
Site Information                                                      
Site Name, Location:   RTDF Site I, Southern, IL, United States
Site Type:   Petroleum Refining and Reuse
Is this a Federal
Superfund Site?
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Military Site?

Project Information                                                      
Project Name:   Phytoremediation at RTDF Site I in Illinois
Site History and Background:   The site is in a tank farm in a former petroleum refinery. Source of contamination is refined petroleum products (including PRS1 and PRS6) and refinery waste.
Scale:   Pilot/Field Demonstration
Project Status:   Complete
Project Start Date:   November 2000
Project Completion Date:   October 2003
Media Treated:  
Media Qty. Geology Comments
Soil Groundwater is first encountered approximately 10 feet below ground surface (bgs). Depth of contamination is less than 2 feet bgs.
Contaminants Treated:  
Contaminant Initial
Depth Media Comments
Total petroleum hydrocarbons 96,000 mg/kg Soil
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 5,784 mg/kg Soil
Phytotechnology Mechanism(s):   Phytostabilization
Plants and other Vegetation Used:   Rye Grass
Native Prarie Grasses
Planting Description:   Treatment 1: 10 - 15% rye, 20 - 25% legume, 60 - 70% tall fescue Treatment 2: Native prairie grasses and forbs Treatment 3 & 4: Unvegetated
Planting Area:   Not available
Evapotranspiration Rates:   Not available
Climate:   Average temperature range - 18 to 88F; Mean annual precipitation - 46"; Growing season - 196 days; Average first frost - October 27; Average last frost - April 13
O & M Requirements:   Treatments 1, 2, and 3 were fertilized. The unplanted treatments were maintained with the herbicide glyphosate.
Performance Data:   Vegetation grew well at the site, but the established plant species composition was primarily volunteer species rather than planted species.
Cost of the Phytotechnology Project:   Not available
Lessons Learned:   There was no evidence that vegetation enhanced degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons at the site. Additional management would be needed to establish specific plant communities from seed.

Point(s) of Contact                                                                      
    David Tsao
BP Group Environmental Management Company
CanteraI, 2nd Floor MC 2S 28100 Torch Parkway 216A
Warrenville, IL United States
Telephone: (630) 836-7169
Fax: (630) 836-7193

Information Source(s):   Kulakow, P. 2000. Annual Report of the RTDF Phytoremediation Action Team - TPH Subgroup Cooperative Field Trials.

Kulakow, P. 2006. Final Report - RTDF Phytoremediation Action Team TPH Subgroup: Cooperative Field Trials (draft).



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