U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Phytotechnology Project Profiles

Phytoremediation at Jones Island Confined Disposal Facility in Wisconsin - Project 2
Last Updated: Fall 2004
Site Information                                                      
Site Name, Location:   Jones Island Confined Disposal Facility, Milwaukee, WI, United States
Site Type:   Disposal Pit
Is this a Federal
Superfund Site?
Is this a Federal or
Military Site?
Entity Responsible for Cleanup:   Army

Project Information                                                      
Project Name:   Phytoremediation at Jones Island Confined Disposal Facility in Wisconsin - Project 2
Scale:   Pilot/Field Demonstration
Project Status:   Ongoing
Project Start Date:   May 2002
Media Treated:  
Media Qty. Geology Comments
Sediment Soil at the site consists of silty clay loam.
Contaminants Treated:  
Contaminant Initial
Depth Media Comments
Not specified Soil Heavy Metals
Not specified Sediment Heavy Metals
Anthracene Soil
Anthracene Sediment
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) Soil
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) Sediment
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 200 ppm Soil
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) 200 ppm Sediment
Phytotechnology Mechanism(s):   Phytoremediation
Plants and other Vegetation Used:   Eastern Gamagrass
Eastern Cottonwood
Coffee Weed
Ovalhead Sedge
Big Bluestem
Common Rush
Red Mulberry
White Mulberry
Planting Description:   From seeds, hand planted.
Planting Area:   0.06 acre
Climate:   Mostly sunny during the day. Temperature range: -26 to 103 F; Elevation: 672 feet; Mean annual precipitation: 32.9 inches; Growing season: 5/20 to 9/26
O & M Requirements:   Fertilization, Harvesting
Performance Data:   Not available
Cost of the Phytotechnology Project:   Cost is mainly in building the cells and the cost of the plants. Other then that, the main expense was to travel to and from the site and analyzing soil samples.
Comments:   The project has just started so that the total cost can not be estimated as there are probably more expenses to come. We are not yet sure what fraction of the plants will have to be replanted but are quite sure that we will need to seed again.

Point(s) of Contact                                                                      
    Katy Euliss
Purdue University
ID United States
Telephone: (765) 496-2211

Information Source(s):   SITE Technology Capsule: Dredged Material Reclamation at the Jones Island Confined Disposal Facility

Katy Euliss, Purdue University, Email to Ellen Rubin EPA on October 21, 2004.

EPA. 2005. Use of Field-Scale Phytotechnology for Chlorinated Solvents, Metals, Explosives and Propellants, and Pesticides. EPA 542-R-05-002.

Associated Vendor(s) or Consultant(s):   Purdue University


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