U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Multi-Phase Extraction


Multi-phase extraction uses a vacuum system, which can also be combined with a downhole pump, to remove various combinations of contaminated groundwater, separate-phase petroleum product, and vapors from the subsurface. The system lowers the water table around the well, exposing more of the formation. Contaminants in the newly exposed vadose zone are then accessible to vapor extraction. Once above ground, the extracted vapors or liquid-phase organics and ground water are separated and treated.

4.33 Bioslurping (In Situ Ground Water Remediation Technology)
In Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix and Reference Guide, Version 3.0. Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable.

4.36 Dual Phase Extraction (In Situ Ground Water Remediation Technology)
In Remediation Technologies Screening Matrix and Reference Guide, Version 3.0. Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable.

Adobe PDF LogoBioslurping—Technology Overview Report
1996. Ralinda Miller, Ground-Water Remediation Technologies Analysis Center. TO-96-05, 10 pp.

Editor's Perspective: An Analysis of the Battelle Remediation Conference as a Bellwether for Treatment Technology Trends, Part 4
Simon, J.A. 2010.
Remediation 20(4):1-4.