Top 10 Questions to Ask When Buying a Superfund Site and Prospective Purchaser Inquiry Service
Sponsored by: U.S. EPA, Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM), Superfund Redevelopment Program
Archived: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Top 10 Questions to Ask When Buying a Superfund Site and Prospective Purchaser Inquiry Service
U.S. EPA, Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM), Superfund Redevelopment Program
Top 10 Questions to Ask When Buying a Superfund Site and Prospective Purchaser Inquiry Service
Wednesday, November 30, 2022, 1:00 PM-2:30 PM EST (18:00-19:30 GMT)
In this informative webinar, hosted by EPA's Superfund Redevelopment Program and Office of Site Remediation Enforcement, you will learn about the top ten redevelopment questions that prospective purchasers and local governments ask EPA and best practices to support the return of Superfund sites back to beneficial use. Join us as we discuss two popular EPA tools: the Top 10 Questions to Ask When Buying a Superfund site fact sheet and the Superfund Redevelopment Program's Prospective Purchaser Inquiry (PPI) Service. The webinar will also provide real-life lessons learned and tips for developers and local governments seeking to redevelop Superfund sites.
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Alexis Rourk Reyes, U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation, Superfund Redevelopment Program ( or 202-564-3179)
Alexis Rourk Reyes serves as the Program Manager for the Superfund Redevelopment Program at the Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The Superfund Redevelopment Program helps communities reuse formerly contaminated land through an array of tools, partnerships, and activities, aiming to provide long-impacted local communities with new opportunities to grow and prosper. Alexis previously served in EPA’s Office of Community Revitalization where she led technical assistance as part of the Building Blocks program and development of geospatial tools and analyses to promote local redevelopment efforts. Her previous positions and education were focused on in land use planning and public health research and communications.
Chelsea Sebetich, EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation, Superfund Redevelopment Program ( or 202-566-1151)
Chelsea Sebetich has recently joined the Office of Superfund Remediation & Technology Innovation's Community Involvement and Program Initiatives Branch at EPA headquarters, where she supports the Superfund Redevelopment Program (SRP) - EPA's effort to help communities reclaim and reuse formerly contaminated Superfund sites. She also supports the Superfund Job Training Initiative (SuperJTI), an environmental remediation job readiness program that provides free training and career development opportunities for people living in communities affected by Superfund sites.
Prior to her work with EPA, Chelsea served with the Peace Corps in North Macedonia, where she volunteered with a local environmental community organization, in addition to her primary role as an education program facilitator. She began her career in the nonprofit sector, working as a program coordinator for a small business foundation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Chelsea holds a Masters of Public Administration in Sustainable Development & Organizational Management from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, and Bachelors of Arts in Spanish and International Cultural Studies from Bethany College in West Virginia.
Matthew Sander, EPA Office of Site Remediation Enforcement (
Matthew Sander is an attorney advisor for the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Site Remediation Enforcement (OSRE) in Washington, DC. He serves in the Policy and Guidance Branch which is responsible for cleanup and revitalization enforcement policy in support of EPA's Superfund, RCRA, Brownfields, and Leaking Underground Storage Tank cleanup programs. Matthew's primary responsibilities include policy development and case support to address purchaser's potential liability concerns and to ensure contaminated property redevelopment is protective of human health and the environment. He also is OSRE's liaison to the states through the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO). Prior to joining the EPA, Matthew worked for the Department of Justice, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the U.S. House of Representatives. He holds a B.A. from the University of South Carolina and a J.D. from the Columbus School of Law at the Catholic University of America. He is a member of the Wisconsin bar.
William C. Denman, P.E., EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation, Site Assessment and Remedy Decisions Branch (
Bill Denman is chief of the Site Assessment and Remedy Decisions Branch in the Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation.
Bill has a long career in managing the cleanup and redevelopment of land. He has led multiple cleanup programs under Superfund and RCRA, working in EPA's Superfund program for nearly 20 years as a site cleanup project manager, land redevelopment coordinator and section chief. He helped facilitate the sale and redevelopment of many Superfund sites throughout the southeast and has had major influence in the development of national EPA policy related to the redevelopment of contaminated land. Prior to working in the Superfund program, Bill worked in EPA's Air Program and for the U.S. Navy, designing and testing diving systems for U.S. Navy divers.
Bill has a master's degree in Sustainability from Harvard University and a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Mississippi State University. He is a frequent guest lecturer on the topic of redeveloping contaminated properties for graduate classes at Harvard, Emory, Georgia Tech, and Georgia State and is a registered professional engineer in the State of Georgia.
Casey Luckett Snyder, EPA Region 6 ( or 214-665-7393)
Casey Luckett Snyder has served as the Region 6 Superfund Redevelopment Coordinator (SRP) since 2009. Currently, Casey is on detail to EPA's national Superfund Redevelopment Program at EPA Headquarters. In addition to her SRP positions, she's also a Superfund Remedial Project Manager, managing and overseeing the cleanup of several Superfund sites in Louisiana and Oklahoma.
Casey began her career with EPA in 2000. She spent four and a half years with the Region 6 Water Enforcement Branch, where she coordinated the Region's Onshore Oil and Gas Stormwater enforcement programs. In 2005, she joined the Region 6 Brownfields Program where she served as Brownfields Project Officer until 2011. In 2011, Casey transitioned to the Superfund Remedial Project Manager role, where her current responsibilities include overseeing the cleanup of multiple Superfund sites across Region 6. For the past 12 years, Casey has served as the Regional Superfund Redevelopment Coordinator where she identifies innovative and beneficial opportunities to assist Superfund site stakeholders with tools and resources to facilitate and support Superfund site reuse and redevelopment. Casey is a graduate of Texas A&M University. She received dual degrees – a B.S. in Engineering and a B.S. in Geography.
Michael Goldstein, Esq., The Goldstein Environmental Law Firm ( or 305-777-1682)
Michael R. Goldstein is the Managing Shareholder of The Goldstein Environmental Law Firm, P.A., president of the Goldstein Brownfields Foundation, president of the Goldstein Brownfields Group, co-CEO of Goldstein Kite Environmental Redevelopment Partners, former Chairman of the Miami-Dade County Brownfields Task Force, a founder, charter member, and the first President and Chairman of the Florida Brownfields Association, an original member of the Steering Committee of the National Brownfields Coalition and Chair of its Public Policy, Regulatory Incentives, and Regulatory Partnership Committee. He was involved in the negotiation and enactment of Florida's Brownfields Redevelopment Act in 1997 and has designated over 120 Brownfield Areas throughout the State of Florida. In 2013 Michael was awarded the Brownfields Leadership Award at the U.S. EPA National Brownfields Conference by the National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals for his "achievement in and commitment to public private partnerships" and the Chrysalis Award by the Florida Brownfields Association at its Annual Brownfields Conference for his "outstanding efforts towards the cleanup and redevelopment of Brownfield properties in the state of Florida," including "educating the public and elected officials about the Brownfield Program, providing volunteer assistance to Florida communities, and advancing legislation that promotes the Brownfield Program." In 2019, Michael was recognized by the Southeast Brownfields Conference by receiving the Environmental Justice Champion Award.
Annika Colston, President & Founder, AC Power (
Annika Colston founded AC Power to bring unique vision to solar project development on landfill and brownfield sites. Annika passionately leads AC Power with the goal of improving the local environment for future generations by turning obstacles into opportunities. Ms. Colston has been developing alternative energy projects for over two decades and has experience across all aspects of project development. Annika’s most recent experience includes Vice President at PV Navigator where she originated and developed over 50 MW of solar projects on landfills and brownfields and President of C2i Methane where she developed and sold a portfolio of landfill gas to energy projects. Ms. Colston has worked on solar, landfill gas, anaerobic digestion, coal mine methane, hydropower, and energy efficiency projects. A pioneer in carbon credit markets, both compliance and voluntary markets, Annika was responsible for sourcing, developing and marketing the first ever climate change project under the Kyoto Protocol to receive carbon credits. She has been innovating ever since. Ms. Colston holds a Masters of City Planning from Massachusetts of Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Environmental Studies from Boston University.
Jean Balent, U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division ( or 202-566-0832)
Ms Balent is on the staff of the EPA's Technology Innovation and Field Services Division where she has worked to collect and disseminate hazardous waste remediation and characterization information since 2003. Ms Balent manages the Clean Up Information Network website and actively supports online communication and collaboration resources available to EPA. She formerly worked with the US Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Engineering Division in the Buffalo District. Ms Balent was also a member of the SUNY-Buffalo Groundwater Research Group where she constructed and tested large scale models of groundwater flow. Ms Balent has also conducted research relating to the Great Lakes, environmental remediation, and brownfields re-development. She holds a Bachelor's degree in environmental engineering from SUNY-Buffalo and a Master's degree in Information Technology from AIU.
Webinar Slides and References:
- These materials will be available by Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Webinar Slides and References:
- These materials will be available by Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Additional Resources:
- Seminar Archives
- EPA's Superfund Redevelopment
- Superfund Redevelopment Basics
- Top 10 Questions to Ask When Buying a Superfund Site
- Revitalization Handbook — Revitalizing Contaminated Lands: Addressing Liability Concerns
- EPA's Prospective Purchaser Inquiry Process
- Find the Redevelopment Tool that Works for You
- Superfund Redevelopment Opportunities
- Superfund Reuse Planning Support & Technical Assistance
- Superfund Redevelopment Success Stories & Case Studies
- EPA's Regional Superfund Redevelopment Coordinator Contacts
- Superfund Redevelopment Program Mailing List
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