U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Remediation Technology Demonstration Project Profiles

Air Sparging Through a Horizontal Well at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina
Last Updated: July 6, 2007
Site Identifying Information                                                
Site Name, Location:   Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, United States
(EPA Region 4)
Cleanup Program:   Not Specified
Entity Responsible for Cleanup:   Not Specified
Site Type:   Underground Storage Tank Site
Government Affiliation:   Federal

Project Information                                                                   
Project Name:   Air Sparging Through a Horizontal Well at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina
Project Status:   Complete
Contaminants Treated:  
Chemical Name Conc. Units Comment
Trichloroethene 200 to 800 µg/L
Media Treated:  
Media Quantity Units Basis for Quantity
Ground Water
Demonstration Technology and Type:   Air Sparging (In Situ Physical/Chemical)
Geology and Hydrogeology:   Geology at the site consists of silty clay overburden underlain by partial cemented silty sand and gravel with thin discontinuous clay lenses within the transition zone.
Demonstration Year:   2006
Year of Publication:   2006
Goal of the Demonstration:   To evaluate the performance of air and ozone-enhanced air sparging by use of a horizontal well. Specific objectives were 1) to evaluate the distribution of air using a horizontal well, and 2) to compare the relative performance of mass transfer to combined in-situ oxidation and air stripping using ozone enhanced air sparging.
Design and Operations:   Contamination was found at a depth of 40 to 45 feet below ground surface (bgs). Horizontal directional drilling (HDD) was used for subsurface gas delivery. The HDD well was made of 6-inch diameter SDR 11 high-density polyethylene with a slotted section that measured 350 feet in length and was positioned at 60 feet bgs. Monitoring wells were installed on both sides of the well. Air sparging took place for 3 months at a flow rate of 140 standard cubic feet per minute.
Performance Data Relevant to Demonstration Goals:   After the first 3 months, when only air sparging was used, TCE concentrations were reduced by 90% when the distance of influence of air sparging was found to be approximately 50 feet on both sides of the well. Combined air and ozone sparging was conducted for 5 months at a concentration of approximately 7,000 parts per millionv, little change was observed in TCE concentrations, dissolved chloride, or oxidation reduction potential. At the end of the 1 year study, TCE concentrations were reduced by 99% in all of the monitoring wells with pre-treatment concentrations exceeding 50 µg/L. The maximum contaminant level was achieved in 14 of the 16 wells sampled, excluding the two deep wells located above the slotted portion of the sparging well.
Interesting Aspects or Significance of the Demonstration:   Unusual or Novel Aspects of Technology Design
Other Demonstration Information (such as cost data, if available):   HDD was selected for subsurface gas delivery because of site constraints, including an active flight line, buried underground utilities, and configuration of the plume.
Vendor(s) or Consultant(s) Associated with the Demonstration:   CH2M Hill, Inc.
Information Source(s) for the Demonstration:   Strong, Mark, Christopher Bozzini, Daniel Hood, and Bob Lowder. Air and Ozone Sparging of TCE Using a Directionally Drilled Horizontal Well. Presented at the 5th International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Monterey, California (May 22-25, 2006).

Contact Information                                                                      
Point(s) of Contact:   Dan Hood
U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC)
Jacksonville, North Carolina, United States
Telephone: 757-322-4630
  Christopher Bozzini
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
  Bob Lowder
Camp Lejeune EMD
Jacksonville, North Carolina, United States
  Mark Strong (Primary Contact)
CH2M Hill
4824 Parkway Plaza Blvd, Suite 200
Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Telephone: 704-329-0072
Fax: 704-329-0141


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