U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Fractured Bedrock Project Profiles

Last Updated: December 10, 2007

Point of Contact:
Ken Goldstein
104 Corporate Park Drive
White Plains NY 10602-0751 
Tel: 914-694-2100 
Fax: 914-694-9286
Email: kgoldstein@

Watervliet Arsenal
Albany, NY


The site includes fractured shale bedrock that includes a ground water aquifer.

Targeted Environmental Media:
  • - Dense Non-aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs)
  • - Fractured Bedrock


Major Contaminants and Maximum Concentrations:
  • - Trichloroethene (Not provided)
  • - Tetrachloroethene (Not provided)
  • - cis-1,2-Dichloroethene (Not provided)

Site Characterization Technologies:

  • - Borehole Geophysics
    • Other
  • - Flow
  • - Coring

Characterization of the site was performed via multiple multilevel sampling systems, including borehole geophysical and hydrological logging and interflow testing, volatile organic compound subsampling from the rock core, rock matrix characterization, and matrix interaction with permanganate (performed in a laboratory).

Remedial Technologies:

  • - Chemical Oxidation (In Situ)
    • Permanganate
Injections of sodium permanganate (NaMNO4) began in 2004 and were to take place over 5 years, with 5 additional years of monitoring.
Remediation Goals:

The objective of the project was to reduce the mass flux of contaminants exiting the site.


Decreased conductivity of the injection wells has impeded the delivery of NaMNO4 and thus in situ oxidation. It is believed that manganese dioxide has precipitated either within or near the injection boreholes or within the hydraulically connected fractures.

Lessons Learned:

Goldstein, Ken, Vitolines, Andrew R, Navon, Daria, Chapman, Steven, Parker, Beth, and Al, Tom A. Full-Scale Permanganate Remediation of Chlorinated Ethenes in Fractured Shale: Part 1. Site Characterization and Design and Implementation of Full-Scale Remedy. Presented at the 2007 U.S. EPANGWA Fractured Rock Conference: State of the Science and Measuring Success in Remediation. Portland, ME. September 24-26, 2007.

Chapman, Steven, Parker, Beth, Goldstein, Kenneth J., Vitolins, Andres R., Navon, Daria, and Al, Tom A. Full-Scale Permanganate Remediation of Chlorinated Ethenes in Fractured Shale: Part 2. Three Year Interim Evaluation of Treatment Performance. Presented at the 2007 U.S. EPANGWA Fractured Rock Conference: State of the Science and Measuring Success in Remediation. Portland, ME. September 24-26, 2007.

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