The Hyde Park Landfill is a fifteen-acre Site in the northwest corner of the Town of Niagara, New York. The geology underlying the Site is glacial overburden overlying the Lockport Dolomite, a fractured bedrock. Groundwater in the vicinity of the landfill flows in both the overburden and the bedrock. Generally, the overburden is saturated at depths below ten feet. The groundwater movement from the landfill is both downward and horizontal. Some of this groundwater exits the Niagara Gorge Face in the form of seeps which flow into the Niagara River.
Targeted Environmental Media:
- Dense Non-aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs)
- Fractured Bedrock
Contaminated groundwater has appeared at the Niagara Gorge bedrock outcrops. These are about 2,000 feet from the site.
Major Contaminants and Maximum Concentrations:
- 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (Not given)
- Phenol (Not given)
- Chloromethane (Not given)
- Trichloroethene (Not given)
- Tetrachloroethene (Not given)
- Carbon tetrachloride (Not given)
- 2,4-Dichlorophenol (Not given)
- Toluene (Not given)
- Pumping Tests
- Pump and Treat
The site has 12 DNAPL recovery wells and two wells installed near the Niagara Gorge to capture contaminated groundwater and prevent its seepage into the Gorge.
In addition to the above contaminants there are large concentrations of chlorotoluenes, benzoic acid, chlorobenzoic acid, and Chlorendic Acid.
Hydraulic containment of groundwater plume at the Niagara Gorge. MCLs were not adopted as cleanup goals.
Approximately 30 million gallons of ground water have been treated on-site and approximately 350,000 gallons of NAPL have been extracted from the site and incinerated.
Both pump and treat systems DNAPL and groundwater continue to operate.