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INVESTIGATION OF IN-SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION TECHNIQUES FOR AFFF TREATMENT IN SOIL-WATER MICROCOSMSBishop, J., J. Hatton, D. Berggren, J. Field, K. Barzen-Hanson, T. Bruton, and W. DiGuiseppi. Abstracts: American Chemical Society Conference, Philadelphia, August 2016
To test oxidation of an AFFF sample in laboratory soil-water microcosm systems, oxidation was undertaken by low-pH and high-pH catalyzed hydrogen peroxide and alkaline-activated persulfate at varying application doses, resulting in the formation of products with a lower molecular weight and a reduction in the length of the fluorinated tail when compared to the composition of the stock AFFF solution used for testing. These shorter-chained oxidation products seemed to have different sorption characteristics in the soil-water microcosm. Oxidation provided the expected variable levels of treatment based on oxidant used and extent of oxidation.
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