U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

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Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

ISRAP is an online interactive portal designed to help users understand monitoring requirements and monitoring tools associated with sediment remediation. The website can also be useful in understanding data needs during the RI/FS, especially as they pertain to remedies themselves, and post-remedy monitoring. The main feature of the site is the sediment monitoring tools matrix, a database of sediment monitoring tool information that was developed to facilitate the design and optimization of sediment monitoring programs. The matrix can be browsed in a step-by-step mode, if desired. For first-time users, a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) link is provided. A tutorial offers a functional overview of the matrix design and navigation in addition to a short primer about sediment remediation monitoring needs and tools.

The Technology Innovation News Survey welcomes your comments and suggestions, as well as information about errors for correction. Please contact Michael Adam of the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation at or (703) 603-9915 with any comments, suggestions, or corrections.

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