U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

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Blomgren, N., P.K. Juriasingani, and J.R. Woertz.
Third International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Remediation Technologies, 18-21 May 2015, Miami, Florida. Poster abstract, 2015

The former Unocal distribution facility in Wichita, Kansas, blended and packaged bulk chemicals for industrial customers. During historical operations, PCE was released to the site groundwater. Remedial technologies implemented at the site since 1989 to treat chlorinated VOCs in the groundwater include soil vapor extraction, pump and treat, excavation, bioremediation, and phytoremediation. Despite these measures, contaminated groundwater has migrated a quarter mile from the primary source area to adjacent properties. During annual groundwater monitoring conducted in 2013, PCE and its daughter products were present at concentrations over 10,000 µg/L. Monitoring data indicated that reductive dechlorination was ongoing, but little to no biodegradation was apparent in many off-site portions of the plume. A phased treatment approach is being implemented at the site. Based on results from a 2013 Bio-Trap® treatability study, EHC® and EHC® Liquid were selected to stimulate both biodegradation and chemical reduction. Baseline monitoring was conducted in June 2014, and the first round of injections began in July 2014. A total of ~29,500 lb EHC (as 30% slurry) and 1,850 gal EHC Liquid (diluted to make a 5% solution) were injected among six barriers and one injection grid through 165 injection points over a one-month period. Performance monitoring results (Nov 2014 and Mar 2015) indicate the amendments are conditioning the aquifer to promote reductive dechlorination. Additional information: Interim Measure Injection Completion Report, Former Unocal Chemical Distribution Facility (2015) at;?documentId=200000046T_0VDLFC9R3W0C
and Interim Measure Performance Monitoring Report, March 2015 Event at;?documentId=2000000DGX_0VZFJEBN550J

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