U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Search Result

Nevada Environmental Response Trust, Chicago, IL. 1139 pp, 2018
Filed Under: Demonstrations
Filed Under: Demonstrations
Separate field treatability studies were performed at the Trust site to evaluate biological and chemical reduction of Cr(VI) in the groundwater. For the biological reduction treatability study (Nov. 2016-Oct. 2017) in the Central Retention Basin, three separate substrate injection events were conducted to promote in situ biological reduction of Cr(VI). Carbon substrates injected over the three injection events included EOSPRO®, industrial sugar wastewater, granular sugar, and/or molasses. Monosodium orthophosphate (Aquapure 3601®) and a 39% solution urea/diammonium phosphate blend were injected as additional sources of phosphate and nitrogen nutrients. Sodium sulfite and ascorbic acid, both oxygen scavengers, were mixed with the substrate solution to promote anaerobic conditions prior to injecting. Sodium bicarbonate was also mixed with the substrate solution to adjust the pH as needed. Stabilized Lake Mead Water (SLMW), used as chase/flush water, was injected to enhance the carbon substrate distribution across the injection well network. For the chemical reduction study conducted August 7-8, 2017, the injection and monitoring wells installed as part of the Ammonium Perchlorate Area Up and Down Flushing Treatability Study were used for a single chemical injection event of a total of 600 gal of a calcium polysulfide (CPS) solution (60 gal of CPS and 540 gal of SLMW). The solution was injected across the shallow and intermediate injection wells associated with Plots 1 and 2 in the flushing treatability study area. A total of 3,910 gal of SLMW was injected as chase/flush water to enhance subsurface distribution. The findings of these treatability studies will be included in the feasibility study of remedial action alternatives to address Henderson legacy conditions.

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