U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

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Haemers, J., H. Saadaoui, P. Vilette, and A. Vandekerckhove.
NORDROCS 2018: 7th Joint Nordic Meeting on Remediation of Contaminated Sites: Poster.
Filed Under: Cleanup News
Filed Under: Cleanup News
Leaking domestic fuel oil from an underground tank affected a residential area in the north of Copenhagen, where unacceptable hydrocarbon concentrations were detected under the terrace of a private house, mainly in the garden. In situ thermal desorption (ISTD) was implemented to vaporize the contamination. The vapors were extracted, collected, and recycled in the reburn system. The soil target zone was estimated at 5,700 m3. Most the groundwater lies below the contaminated zone. The average concentration of total hydrocarbons in soil was close to 1,000 mg/kg (DM) with a maximum concentration of 22,000 mg/kg (DM). The total mass of hydrocarbons in the soil was estimated at ~12,000 kg. The contaminated zone was treated in two batches. Treatment was carried out in 65 days for batch 1 and 69 days for batch 2. Treatment was considered complete when the target temperature of 220°C was reached and the vapor concentrations of collected hydrocarbons tended toward zero. The project was accomplished without environmental disturbance (dust, etc.) and in complete transparency. Data were made available to all stakeholders on a daily basis to track changes in the thermal desorption process. ISTD treatment of ~10,000 tons of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil at this residential site was completed successfully in a few months with 128 heating tubes in a surface area of 400 m2 at depths of 12-18 m. View installation of the ISTD system in a brief YouTube video at

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