U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Search Result

Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Acquisition Management, Region IV, Atlanta, GA.
Federal Business Opportunities, Solicitation 68HE0419R0001, 2018
Filed Under: Market/Commercialization
Filed Under: Market/Commercialization
This forthcoming procurement is anticipated to be set aside for small business concerns under NAICS code 237990 (Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction), size standard $36.5M. U.S. EPA has initiated a program to address environmental contamination associated with the Mississippi Phosphates Corporation (MPC) Site, located in Pascagoula, Jackson County, Mississippi, where MPC produced diammonium phosphate fertilizer from 1958 to 2014. Phosphogypsum produced as a by-product of the sulfuric acid dissolution step was slurried to disposal areas, where it was deposited in large piles (stacks). The East Gypsum Stack (EGS) served as the disposal area from 2002 until operations ceased in 2014; it has not been closed. The 350-acre EGS complex includes the phosphogypsum stack, four ponds that hold contaminated water, and the water return ditch, which encloses the stack and collects runoff and leachate. EPA has developed a strategy to close the EGS and North Ponds to reduce ongoing water treatment costs and to eliminate contaminated water sources that pose a threat to the environment through potential uncontrolled releases. EPA has identified ClosureTurf as the only product on the market that meets the requirements to cap and cover the EGS. The solicitation resulting from this notice will be only for the purchase and installation of the cover system. Release of the RFP via an additional notice is anticipated by or before December 7, 2018. Any solution submitted as part of the proposal must meet or exceed ClosureTurf specifications.

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