U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Search Result

Jarrett, M.
2018 Long-Term Stewardship Conference, August 20-23, Grand Junction, Colorado. 12 slides, 2018
Filed Under: Research
Filed Under: Research
Groundwater flux at the Pantex Plant northeast of Amarillo, Texas, typically has been calculated (i.e., not measured) to evaluate movement of contaminated water, groundwater flux through the in situ bioremediation systems, and future risk. These calculations can be effective in most areas of the contaminated perched groundwater, but with the aquifer's continued dewatering uncertainty has arisen regarding movement of contaminated water in an in situ bioremediation zone. The passive flux meter (developed at the University of Florida) is a custom-made device that is inserted into wells to measure groundwater and contaminant flux. Consisting of an activated carbon matrix and resins pre-loaded with alcohol tracers, the device allows for vertical profiling of the groundwater and contaminant flux. Use of this innovative technology at Pantex helped identify areas where flux is continuing to occur into and downgradient of an in situ bioremediation system and provided additional data about preferential flow through an area outside the influence of current pump-and-treat remedial action. This information allows for a more focused response to the groundwater cleanup and evaluation of future risk.

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