U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Search Result

Clement, T.
Foreground — 20 Feb 2019
Filed Under: Research
Filed Under: Research
A design-led research experiment in Sydney, Australia, is using plants to clean a toxic post-industrial site for future redevelopment. In August 2018, a team led by Professor Sue Ann Ware of the University of Newcastle (UON) planted the first Power Plants garden, a 1000-m2 plot on the eastern side of the White Bay Power Station. The team sowed seeds of more than two dozen annual plant species, all proven accumulators selected for their capacity to deal with the types of toxins on the site: heavy metals, BTEX, and pesticides. The multidisciplinary, collaborative project involves landscape architects, biologists, designers and artists from UON, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), and University of New South Wales as well as students from UON and UTS. Ware hopes to process the contaminated plants on site when the first garden is harvested in August 2019.

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