U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Search Result

New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources, Santa Fe, NM. 190 pp, 2018
Filed Under: Cleanup News
Filed Under: Cleanup News
Environmental remediation activities at the James F. Bell #1E site for the El Paso Natural Gas Company are being managed pursuant to the procedures set forth in the remediation plan for groundwater encountered during pit closure activities. The site is located on federal land. Free product is present at the site, and recovery has been performed periodically since 1997. Mobile dual-phase extraction (MDPE) events were completed on July 11 through 14, 2017, to enhance free-product recovery from monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-8. The MDPE process combines SVE with groundwater depression to enhance the removal of liquid and vapor-phase hydrocarbons. A submersible pump simultaneously removes groundwater, inducing a hydraulic gradient toward the extraction well and creating groundwater depression to expose the hydrocarbon smear zone to SVE. Recovered liquids were disposed of off-site. Recovered vapors were used as fuel to power the vacuum and burned in the MDPE internal combustion engine, resulting in few to no emissions. Two 72-hour MDPE events were completed, recovering ~82.3 gal of hydrocarbons from MW-1 and ~40.1 gal of hydrocarbons from MW-8. Appendix E contains the report summarizing the MDPE events. Recovery of measurable free product will continue by completion of one or more MDPE events in 2018. Additional SVE feasibility testing via installation of another SVE well is also planned.

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