U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Search Result

Dennis, P. | 2019 SMART Remediation, Toronto, Canada, 2019, 19 slides.
Filed Under: Research
Filed Under: Research
Several benzene degrading cultures have been identified, including a methanogenic benzene enrichment culture (DGG-B), developed at the University of Toronto. Recent research efforts have been undertaken to determine 1) whether bioaugmentation with the DGG-B culture is an effective remedy for benzene contaminated sites; 2) if the presence of benzene degrading biomarkers can be correlated to in situ biodegradation activity; and 3) if scale-up of the culture to volumes sufficient for field pilot testing application is feasible. Numerous anaerobic treatability studies have been conducted using site materials impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons ranging from 8 to 14 months. Degradation of BTEX was monitored with and without DGG-B bioaugmentation and under various electron acceptor conditions. The results to date indicate that bioaugmentation with the DGG-B culture was able to accelerate benzene degradation under methanogenic or sulfate-reducing conditions, while in one case no benzene degradation was observed despite bioaugmentation. Results from ongoing treatability studies provide insights into the performance of the DGG-B bioaugmentation culture at a range of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated sites, as well as into the correlation between the presence of benzene degradation molecular biomarkers and in situ biodegradation.

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