U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Search Result

Marley, M., E. Moyer, and R.G. Ball.
AEHS Foundation 34th Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy, 15-18 October 2018. 126 pp, 2018

This workshop presents recent information about remediating PFAS using physical, chemical, and biological technologies. Cutting edge technologies using advanced carbon, synthetic resins, alternative natural adsorbents, and advanced oxidation, among others, are explained. The presenters suggest key site data relevant to viable or promising PFAS remedial technologies that can be collected during site characterization. Treatability study methods, benefits, and limitations for PFAS remediation are discussed. Case studies at the bench and field scale illustrate both long- and short-chain PFAS remediation effectiveness. Case studies include a comparison of carbon and ion-exchange resin treatment, and chemical oxidation of PFAS intermixed with chlorinated solvents at an Air Force base, among others.

The Technology Innovation News Survey welcomes your comments and suggestions, as well as information about errors for correction. Please contact Michael Adam of the U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation at or (703) 603-9915 with any comments, suggestions, or corrections.

Mention of non-EPA documents, presentations, or papers does not constitute a U.S. EPA endorsement of their contents, only an acknowledgment that they exist and may be relevant to the Technology Innovation News Survey audience.