U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

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Bell, L. and R. Fassbender. | CRC Care International Cleanup Conference, 8-12 September, Adelaide, Australia, 20 slides, 2019
Filed Under: Cleanup News
Filed Under: Cleanup News
Activites at a former dry cleaning site contaminated soil and groundwater with chlorinated solvents, including PCE. Pre-remedial activities included demolishing above and below ground structures and decommissioning underground storage tanks that contained diesel and petrol. PCE contamination measured ≤ 13,000 mg/kg in soil, ≤ 99 mg/L in groundwater, and ≤ 112,000 mg/m3 in soil vapor. An extensive environmental site assessment determined that contamination stretched over 1 km from the subject site and was discharging into a regional marine surface water body. Remedial activities spanning 18 months included excavation and ex situ soil vapor extraction of 800 tons of soil, and ISCO and enhanced in situ bioremediation for groundwater. Following treatment, soils were reused on-site, avoiding high off-site disposal costs. PCE concentration in groundwater was reduced to less than 0.1 mg/L. Site boundary groundwater PCE concentrations were also successfully reduced from 5-15 mg/L to below laboratory detection limits. As a result, further off-site migration of the contaminant has been halted and the site will be divested and redeveloped for future commercial/industrial uses.

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