U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

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Elder, C.R. and C.H. Benson.
Environmental Geotechnics 6(4):214-224

Performance and cost were compared for horizontal permeable reactive barriers (HPRBs), funnel and gate permeable reactive barriers (FGPRBs), and caisson permeable reactive barriers (CPRBs) in heterogeneous aquifers to achieve the same goal (90% of effluent concentrations <1% of the source concentration and complete plume capture). Variability in influent and effluent concentrations was compared for each permeable reactive barrier with different levels of aquifer heterogeneity. Results indicated that HPRBs have the most variable influent and effluent concentrations, CPRBs have the least variable influent and effluent concentrations for all levels of heterogeneity, and FGPRB falls between the HPRB and the CPRB and generally is the most cost-effective PRB regardless of heterogeneity. The CPRB provides the most efficient use of reactive media but tends to be costlier than the FGPRB. FGPRBs use reactive media efficiently compared to HPRBs, as significant portions of HPRBs are not active in treatment, particularly in more heterogeneous aquifers.

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