ITRC PFAS Introductory Training
Sponsored by: Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large and complex class of anthropogenic compounds whose prevalence in the environment are an emerging, worldwide priority in environmental and human health. The ITRC PFAS Team, formed in 2017, has prepared readily accessible materials to present PFAS information to stakeholders, regulators, and policy makers. The PFAS team represents a diverse cross-section of expertise and experience working on PFAS.
This training will include emerging science on PFAS, including topics such as Properties of PFAS, Fate and Transport, Sampling and Analysis, and Treatment Technologies. The technical presentations will be focused on those who are relatively new to PFAS. The training will last approximately 90 minutes and include time for questions.
Robert Burgess, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (
Robert Burgess works as an Environmental Program Specialist with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation in the Contaminated Sites Program. He has over 10 years of experience providing regulatory oversight on contaminated site characterization and cleanup at a variety of sites throughout the largest state in the nation, and currently serves as a PFAS subject matter expert for Alaska. Robert earned a B.S. in Biology from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and a M.S. in Biological Sciences with a research focus on molecular microbial ecology and environmental microbiology from the same institution. Robert joined the ITRC PFAS team in 2017 and has been the co-lead of the Fate and Transport, Site Characterization, and Physical and Chemical Properties subgroup since 2021.
Kristi Herzer, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (
Kristi Herzer is an Environmental Analyst and Technical Program Lead for the State of Vermont's Department of Environmental Conservation. Kristi is a project manager in the Brownfields Program and the Sites Management Section and promotes the Vermont Brownfields Reuse and Environmental Liability Limitation Act (BRELLA) program. Kristi is the Division representative on VTDEC's Environmental Justice Team, an active member in a cross-agency PFAS workgroup, and co-author of multiple internal and external guidance documents for the regulated community. Since 2017, Kristi has served as a member and subgroup leader for the Sampling and Analysis section of ITRC's PFAS team, and most recently also serves as a subgroup leader of the PFAS Training team. Kristi holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics and Biology from Guilford College and a Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Vermont.
Mitch Olson, Ph.D., PE (
Dr. Olson has 23 years of professional experience in consulting and academia. Prior to joining Colorado State, he provided technical guidance on PFAS projects, coordinated PFAS training events within and outside of Trihydro, delivered technical presentations and webinars, and participated in professional organizations (including ITRC's PFAS team). He also provided technical input on projects involving groundwater and soils impacted with hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents, including monitored natural attenuation (MNA), natural source zone depletion (NSZD), and active remediation systems. Mitch has a B.S. degree in chemical engineering from the University of Minnesota Duluth and received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in environmental engineering from Colorado State University (CSU). Dr. Olson maintains Affiliate Faculty status at CSU and is registered as a Professional Engineer in multiple states.
Andrew Safulko, PE (
Andrew Safulko is a Senior Environmental Engineer at Brown and Caldwell. Andrew received a BS degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder and a MS degree in Environmental Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. Andrew supports private and municipal clients in developing tailored PFAS solutions, including site characterization, source identification investigations, treatment, and forensic evaluations. Andrew co-leads the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Councils (ITRC) PFAS Treatment subgroup.
Shalene Thomas, Batelle (
Shalene Thomas is the Senior Emerging Contaminant Program Manager for Battelle. She has more than 25 years of experience in environmental consulting and has supported State, Federal and industrial clients with emerging contaminants risk management and mitigation strategies. She has supported emerging contaminants projects in 32 different states in 9 of the 10 U.S. EPA regions as well as in Europe, Australia and Canada and has presented on the topic of PFAS and trained professionals in emerging contaminants across the US, Canada, and Australia.
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