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Sustainable Resilient Remediation (SRR) Training

Sponsored by: Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council

Extreme weather events and wildfires are increasing and impacting hazardous waste sites. The primary goal of cleanups, which is protecting human health and the environment, is undermined. Confronted with these risks, environmental professionals should assess, and design remedies that are sustainable and resilient. Sustainable resilient remediation (SRR) is an optimized solution to cleaning up and reusing a hazardous waste site that limits negative environmental impacts, maximizes social and economic benefits, and creates resilience against increasing threats.

The objective of the ITRC Sustainable Resilient Remediation (SRR-1) is to provide resources and tools for regulators, stakeholders, consultants, and responsible parties to help integrate sustainable and resilient practices into remediation projects. This guidance updates the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council's (ITRC) Technical and Regulatory Guidance: Green and Sustainable Remediation: A Practical Framework (ITRC 2011a) and includes a strong resilience component to address the increasing threat of extreme weather events and wildfires. Recommendations for careful and continuous consideration of the social and economic costs and benefits of a cleanup project are included.

Training Objectives

  • Educate participants about available SRR resources and tools
  • Impart evolution from Green and Sustainable Remediation (GSR) to SRR
  • Provide guidance on practical application and implementation of SRR
  • Provide participants with information necessary to navigate the SRR guidance and tools

Training Goals

  • Provide information and resources for the social and economic dimensions of sustainability, including state-of-the-art social and economic evaluation tools
  • Provide a framework illustrating how and why sustainability and resilience should be integrated throughout the remedial project life cycle
  • Offer checklists of key sustainable best management practices to address resilience based on specific vulnerabilities at a site, as well as resources for additional information
  • Present interactive maps with links to available state and federal resources to quickly find examples and best practices from your state or other states and federal agencies
  • Reference case studies illustrating the application of SRR considerations

After the SRR Training, a user will have the tools necessary to understand what SRR is and how it can be used to achieve a sustainable and resilient remediation outcome. This can be accomplished by remediation practitioners applying the principles and practices to a contaminated site and by providing SRR resources to help regulators and stakeholders in the development and review of project documents or submittals.

The intended users of this guidance and training course are those individuals responsible for managing contaminated sites. Users of this training and the associated documents will develop an understanding of SRR and its importance in achieving sustainability and resilience for site remediation. Principals, best practices, resources, and trainer insights will help users conduct SRR tailored to the needs of the sites under their care.

Recommended Reading: Participants are strongly encouraged to review the ITRC Sustainable Resilient Remediation, (SRR-1) document prior to participating in the training class. Also, because SRR-1 is an expansion and update of the concepts developed in Green and Sustainable Remediation: A Practical Framework, GSR-2, review of this document is recommended but is not a prerequisite.

A photograph of John DoyonJohn Doyon, NJ Dept of Environmental Protection (
John Doyon is a Brownfield and Grant Coordinator in the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's (NJDEP) Site Remediation Program. He has over 31 years of experience in site remediation and brownfield redevelopment. While a case manager with the Bureau of Case Management in the NJDEP, he previously oversaw the remediation of contaminated sites. Mr. Doyon now works with the Office of Brownfield & Community Revitalization (formerly the Office of Brownfield Reuse) as a brownfield and grant coordinator. As a brownfield coordinator, he works with NJ municipalities to manage Brownfield Development Areas and assists with overcoming regulatory hurdles to remediate brownfields in their communities.

A photograph of Thomas O'NeillThomas O'Neill, Retired - NJ Dept of Environmental Protection (
Thomas K. O'Neill (Tom) has forty years of experience in the fields of environmental engineering and science. Retired in mid-2020 as the Bureau Chief for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), Publicly Funded Site Remediation, Bureau of Site Management. Activities include site investigation, feasibility studies, design, construction, and long-term operations, maintenance and monitoring, and site close-out. Prior to becoming a Bureau Chief Tom worked as an NJDEP On Scene Coordinator at numerous emergency and removal actions and as a Construction Manager at a wide range of planned site remediation projects. Tom has served as Co-Team Leader for the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council’s Remediation Process Optimization, Remediation Risk Management, and Green and Sustainable Remediations Teams.

A photograph of Elisabeth FreedElisabeth Freed, US EPA (
Elisabeth Freed has been with USEPA for over 25 years and currently is a senior enforcement policy advisor in the Office of Site Remediation Enforcement (OSRE), which is part of EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. Her portfolio is both broad and deep as she has worked on issues of national importance, under several environmental cleanup laws, both in their original development and updating them to reflect changing laws and regulations as well as Agency experience. Elisabeth was originally the Headquarters Superfund enforcement liaison to Region 3 and is currently OECA’s Team Leader for PFAS. Elisabeth’s projects span a variety of issues from Sustainability to individual ability-to-pay guidance.

A photograph of Nathan HagelinNathan Hagelin, Wood PLC (
Nathan Hagelin is Vice President and the Director of Woods PLC. He is the remediation technology leader in Wood’s Emerging Contaminants Work Group. He is a Certified Geologist, Licensed Environmental Professional, and Board-Certified Environmental Scientist working for 30+ years on the remediation of contaminated industrial properties and military installations. He has prior experience as a Hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey Water Resource Division.

A photograph of Michelle MullinMichelle Mullin, US EPA (
Michelle Mullin is the EPA Region 10 Acting Senior Sustainability Advisor. She supports communities and EPA programs to integrate sustainability and climate adaptation and resilience into decision making processes. Previously Michelle served as the Region 10 PCB Coordinator overseeing all PCB program cleanups in the 4-state region since 2012. Michelle began her career with the EPA in 2009 in the RCRA Corrective Action program. Prior to joining the EPA Michelle worked as an environmental consultant on a variety of cleanup sites under CERCLA, RCRA, and TSCA. Michelle has integrated sustainability into her work and programs throughout her career.

A photograph of Ira MayIra May, Maryland Dept of the Environment (
Ira P May, P.G. is Chief of the Federal Assessment and Remediation Division of the Land Restoration Program at the Maryland Department of the Environment. He has led this group for the past five years and is responsible for the state of Maryland response to the cleanups of Federal Facilities and private NPL sites among other things. Previously, Mr. May was the Chief Geologist at the US Army Environmental Center for over 25 years. He has extensive experience with the cleanup of hazardous wastes at over 30 military facilities throughout the United States and Europe.

A photograph of Roy ThunRoy Thun, GHD (
Roy Thun is an accomplished environmental portfolio manager and climate resiliency & sustainability thought leader with over 30-years' experience working in both environmental consulting and BP's Remediation Management group. Roy is a board member of the Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF), and one of the founding members of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority's Sustainability Council. He has been a contributor to a variety of guidance documents, including: ITRC's Sustainable and Resilient Remediation, ITRC's Remediation Management of Complex Sites, and ASTM's Recognition and Derecognition of Environmental Liabilities.

A photograph of Jessica GattenbyJessica Gattenby, Arcadis (
Jessica Gattenby has more than sixteen years of experience in environmental consulting and sustainable management. Currently she is part of Arcadis US, Inc strategic program delivery group and their Sustainable Resilient Remediation (SRR) and subject matter expert. Ms Gattenby has focused on integration of green and sustainable remediation (GSR) and SRR practices in remediation including considerations in remedy selection, optimization of remedies for reduced environmental footprints and implementation of sustainable best management practices (SBMPs) to achieve project goals, implement more resilient solutions, reduce lifecycle footprints and reduce life cycle cost.


Nicole Henderson, ITRC Contractor (

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Did you visit the webpage associated with this ITRC training during the course?

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No, I didn’t know how to find the resource link

Rate your knowledge of (or skill in) the course topic before the course.

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Slightly knowledgeable
Moderately knowledgeable
Very knowledgeable
Extremely knowledgeable

Will you use what you learned in this course in your work?

Definitely not
Probably not
Probably yes
Definitely yes
Not applicable—I did not learn anything new from this course

What is your opinion of the balance of lecture and interactivity in this course?

Too much lecture and not enough interactive learning
Right amount of both lecture and interactive learning
Too much interactive learning and not enough lecture

How could this course be improved to make it a more effective learning experience?

What part of this course was most helpful to your learning?

What training presentation components do you think that ITRC should incorporate into trainings? (select all that apply)

More animations
More interaction (polls, quizzes)
Post training knowledge test
Less text
More graphics
More Q&A interaction

How did you find out about this course?

EPA's TechDirect e-mail
ITRC e-mail
ITRC Web site (
CLU-IN Web site (
Social Media

If you answered "other," how did you find out about this course?

What environmental topics are you interested in seeing ITRC develop guidance and training around?

Other comments?

I participated live on March 26, 2024 (select ONLY if you registered for the event yourself)
I participated live on March 26, 2024 with another registered participant
I replayed the May 11, 2023 archive






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