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Characterization, Cleanup, and Revitalization of Mining Sites

Developing a Watershed Partnership

Multiple abandoned mines can contribute contamination to a watershed. These mines may be distributed over several jurisdictions and have different landowners. Addressing them separately could result in inefficient or incomplete cleanups. For example, an upstream mine may continue to discharge abandoned mine drainage (AMD) to downstream mines undergoing remediation. This might recontaminate the downstream area, increasing cleanup costs and delaying site restoration. However, by developing a partnership among watershed stakeholders, a more holistic and comprehensive cleanup and restoration of the watershed can be achieved.

Partnerships are not "one size fits all." Members of a partnership will depend on who owns the abandoned mine lands, who is affected, and who is concerned or interested in addressing mining impacts. Partnerships can include federal, state, and local agencies; and non-governmental partners such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community groups, academic institutions, and private-sector companies.

The Federal Mining Dialogue, whose members represent 14 federal agencies, formed the Watershed and Partnerships Working Group to create and share materials that may be useful in developing and maintaining partnerships.

The Watershed and Partnerships Working Group has prepared a training presentationAdobe PDF Logo and associated handoutAdobe PDF Logo that can help you:

Watershed—the area that drains to a common waterway, such as a stream, lake, estuary, wetland, aquifer or even the ocean. Abandoned mines can have many negative impacts on a watershed.

  • Understand the benefits of using partnerships to address abandoned mine lands.
  • Identify partners.
  • Develop and maintain relationships.
  • Define success and develop shared goals.
  • Celebrate success.

As a supplement to the training, the Working Group prepared a four-page handout that summarizes best management practices for developing and maintaining partnerships. The Working Group identified these best management practices through interviews with project managers and other watershed partners.

The Working Group's two-page fact sheet, Facilitation/Collaboration Support Resources, Adobe PDF Logo identifies programs available to federal agencies that provide facilitation, collaboration and conflict resolution services. Page 2 of the fact sheet identifies several useful training opportunities on these skills, with a focus on partnership development.

Finally, working with non-governmental partners can augment a watershed approach, enhancing and expediting successful cleanup of the watershed. The handout Partnering with Non-Governmental PartnersAdobe PDF Logo provides some suggestions. The handout includes a story map that documents the work of the Kerber Creek Watershed Partnership in restoring a healthy watershed to a region degraded by silver mines.


Additional Resources

In addition to the information and resources developed by the Watershed and Partnerships Working Group, the following resources may be of interest when developing partnerships to address watersheds impacted by mining sites:

The Brownfields Stakeholder Forum Kit: This kit focuses specifically on how to develop partnerships to address redevelopment of brownfields sites, but it contains useful information that could inform people interested in forming partnerships to address mining-impacted watersheds.

EPA Conflict Prevention and Resolution Center (CPRC): EPA's Conflict Prevention and Resolution Center is the Agency's primary resource for services and expertise in alternative dispute resolution (ADR), environmental conflict resolution, consensus-building, and collaborative problem solving. The CPRC provides training and support to EPA staff to help them work more effectively, strategically, and transparently with states, tribes, and local stakeholders to achieve better environmental outcomes. Resources are available for communities. Every office at EPA has access to this contract to quickly hire professional neutral facilitators and mediators to assist with preventing and reducing conflict associated with their environmental projects. The CPRC supports ADR across the Agency, pursuant to EPA's ADR Policy.

EPA Urban Waters Program: EPA's Urban Waters Small Grant program provides grants to organizations to help protect and restore urban waters, improve water quality, and support community revitalization and other local priorities, which might include addressing mining-related issues.

Getting to Yes: Book by William Ury presents theories and tactics based on the work of the Harvard Negotiation project, an organization that deals with all levels of negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution.

Making a Collaboration Work: Lessons from Innovation in Natural Resources Management: Book by Julia Wondolleck and Steven Leis Yaffee draws on lessons from nearly two hundred cases from around the country to offer specific advice for agencies and individuals interested in pursuing a collaborative approach.

Urban Waters Federal Partnership: The Urban Waters Partnership reconnects urban communities, particularly those that are overburdened or economically distressed, with their waterways by improving coordination among federal agencies. The Partnership also collaborates with community-led revitalization efforts to improve our Nation's water systems and promote their economic, environmental and social benefits.


Examples of Watershed Partnerships
