U.S. EPA Contaminated Site Cleanup Information (CLU-IN)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. EPA Technology Innovation and Field Services Division

Ecological Revitalization Project Profiles Database

Search for Projects in the Ecological Revitalization Project Profiles Database

Use the text fields and drop-down menus below to build your criteria for searching the Ecological Revitalization Project Profiles Database. To select multiple items within a criteria, press and hold the Control Key while clicking on each item. Click on the search button at the end of the form to submit your search.

Site Name:
Project Name:
Site State:
EPA Region:
Cleanup Program:
Site Type:
Remediation Technology:
Final Use:
Habitat Created/Restored:
Issues Faced:
Contaminated Media:
Enter any word or phrase

Note - selecting multiple items will find profiles that meet one, not all, of the search criteria.