Federal Contract Opportunities Update
Notices for December 23-29, 2024
SAM.gov is the official source for federal contract opportunities. This update contains summaries of procurement notices issued between December 23-29, 2024, that pertain to hazardous waste, investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination, and related environmental topics; however, it does not necessarily contain EVERY notice on these topics. If you would like to search for additional current and archived notices, please visit the SAM Contract Opportunities website.
NOTE: SAM assigns a new URL EVERY TIME a solicitation is updated, which means the links given here will not reflect future changes. To monitor for updates, either enter the SOL at the SAM search interface or use the "Follow" icon (if a registered user).
SOL: 140L6325Q0002
DUE: January 6, 2025
NAICS: 562910. THIS IS A TOTAL SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE. The Eastern Interior Field Office (EIFO) of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) proposes removal actions and revegetation work at the Wolf and Tomsha mining claim sites. The mine sites are located on Bottom Dollar Creek and Ptarmigan Gulch, both of which are tributaries that feed into Harrison Creek, a tributary of the Birch Creek Wild and Scenic River (WSR). The mine sites and Birch Creek WSR are located in the Steese National Conservation Area. The site comprises two separate claim areas (Bottom Dollar and Ptarmigan Gulch). For the purposes of this Statement of Work (SOW), the Wolf site is referred to as Bottom Dollar, and the Tomsha site is referred to as Ptarmigan Gulch. The claims are accessible down Portage Creek Road from Central and then down Harrison Creek Trail. The objective of this project is to perform a non-time critical removal action of all solid waste and hazardous materials present at the Bottom Dollar-Ptarmigan Gulch mine sites and restore the disturbed land. Any revegetation will be completed with Alaska Native Flora. This removal action shall be done in accordance with the criteria of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Sec. 40804(b) Subsection 8 Revegetation Mine Lands. The contractor shall create a Work Plan including removal methods, sampling plans, and deliverable due dates. The contractor shall complete the removal of all solid waste, hazardous waste, and contaminated soil (if present) from the sites. The contractor shall log the coordinates of all removed material and sampling locations. The contractor shall write a final report outlining all removal actions, sampling, and the final state of the project. The sites are accessible on BLM-managed lands by ATV or UTV in the spring, summer, or fall or by snowmachine in the winter. OFFERS ARE DUE BY 5:00 PM AKST ON JANUARY 6, 2025.
CITE: https://sam.gov/opp/0eba403f2ac84dac9261317aa5dd17a8/view
Posted: December 23, 2024
SPONSOR: U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Alaska State Office, Anchorage, AK
SOL: W912DW-25-R-0008_ss
DUE: January 23, 2025
NAICS: 562910. THIS IS A SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE FOR MARKETING RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwest Division, Seattle District, seeks responses from industry to identify both large and small businesses capable of accomplishing the work. The Formosa Mine Superfund site is an abandoned mine located in southwest Oregon in Douglas County. The project's scope of work includes activities necessary to implement earthwork-related requirements of the EPA's Record of Decision for the Formosa Mine Superfund Site Operable Unit (OU) 1. OU1 includes all surface and subsurface mine materials deposited outside of the underground mine workings and considered "source materials" for the Site. These include materials excavated during construction and operation of the mine such as waste rock, ore, tailings, construction rock, road surfaces, and contaminated soils. The objectives of the OU1 remedial action are to remove, consolidate, and restrict or minimize the interaction of contaminant source materials with precipitation, surface water runoff, and groundwater. The remedial approach focuses on preventing direct exposure to mine waste with elevated concentrations of metals and reducing acid rock drainage (ARD) generation, thus, reducing impacts to groundwater and surface water. The remedial action includes OU1 mine materials at the encapsulation mound (EM); former ore storage/million-gallon storage tank area; the Formosa Adit 2, Formosa Adit 3, and 1090 Raise waste rock dumps (WRDs); and roads containing mine materials adjacent to these areas. The specific project scope of work includes the following actions: Stabilizing the steep encapsulation mound (EM) slopes with gabion walls; development of a clean materials borrow area and non-primary mine disturbance area (PDMA) mine material repository; grading and consolidation of mine materials in the non-PMDA mine material repository; impermeable cover construction on the EM, former ore storage/million-gallon storage tank, and non-PMDA mine material repository; grading, amendment and revegetation of mine materials at the area southwest of the EM, and Formosa Adit 2, Formosa Adit 3, and 1090 Raise waste rock dumps (WRD)s; and excavation of mine materials from roads, reconstruction of roads within the project limits, and construction of a steep slope northwest (NW) access road for gabion wall placement. There is no solicitation at this time. CAPABILITY PACKAGES ARE DUE BY 1:00 PM PST ON JANUARY 23, 2025.
CITE: https://sam.gov/opp/5cd37dc0667c46cca0f2f00503dbae78/view
Posted: December 23, 2024
SPONSOR: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwest Division, Seattle District, Seattle, WA
SOL: W911KB25R0012
DUE: February 4, 2025
NAICS: 562910. THIS IS A TOTAL SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requires a contractor to determine the presence or absence of underground storage tanks (USTs), and to investigate any associated contamination at twenty-seven (27) sites within the Kodiak Swampy Acres petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL) Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) project area. A secondary objective is to remove and properly dispose of thirty-five (35) remnant drums from across the Swampy Acres project area. Tasks include project management; preparation of planning documents for all field work tasks, a detailed and comprehensive plan for all field tasks to be performed under this contract; preparation of a detailed and comprehensive plan for all field tasks to be performed under this contract; preparation of a UFP-QAPP that details the approach, planned activities for environmental data collection, data quality objectives, and illustrates how the Contractor's activities will satisfy contract requirements and obtain the type and quality of environmental data needed for making future project decisions; preparation of a CQCP, which covers all operations, both onsite and offsite; development and following of an APP for all field activities associated with this contract and for all persons performing work under this contract; development of a plan detailing what waste will be generated and how it will be managed both onsite and offsite; and development of an Archaeological Monitoring Plan for identifying monitoring protocols and the minimum areas to be monitored during investigation actions and the level of documentation required for each activity. The award will be an Indefinite-Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ), Multiple-Award Task Order Contract (MATOC). OFFERS ARE DUE BY 2:00 PM AKST ON FEBRUARY 4, 2025.
CITE: https://sam.gov/opp/dd5779fbded7493fa7dec79e69557448/view
Posted: December 26, 2024
SPONSOR: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District, Anchorage, AK
SOL: W912PL25S0007
DUE: February 11, 2025
NAICS: 541330. THIS IS A SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE FOR MARKETING RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Los Angeles District, seeks responses from both large and small remedial design firm(s) that are qualified to develop the Remedial Design (RD) for the Iron King Mine-Humboldt Smelter (IKM-HS) Superfund Site in Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona. The award will be an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Single Award or Multiple Award Task Order Contract with a value of up to $49,000,000. The contract(s) are anticipated to be awarded in the 2nd quarter of Fiscal Year 2026 with a five-year base period. The ROD selected remedy is Alternative 3B: On-Site Consolidation/Containment at Two Repositories with Waste Remaining East and West of the Highway. The highway is State Route 69, which serves as the main road to Prescott, Arizona, from Arizona Interstate 17. The Engineering Services contractor will determine what studies are necessary to implement Alternative 3B and design Alternative 3B. Respondents must refer to the ROD and Alternative 3B for context. Alternative 3B calls for removing mine and smelter wastes and contaminated soils and moving them to two waste repositories. Mine wastes and contaminated soils from the former mine and surrounding areas west of Highway 69 would be moved into a repository on the existing mine tailings pile west of the highway. Mine wastes at the former smelter and in the Chaparral Gulch east of Highway 69 would be moved into a second waste repository east of the highway. Additionally, the Lower Chaparral Gulch Dam east of the highway shall be removed to allow access to waste in the Lower Chaparral Gulch and restore the natural hydraulics and vegetation of the drainage. This shall include watershed and habitat restoration. There is an industry day planned for January 28, 2025, between the hours of 9 AM-3:30 PM. The purpose of the Industry Day is to encourage industry participation, allow for networking, answer respondent questions and confirm the project scope. There is no solicitation at this time. CAPABILITY STATEMENTS ARE DUE BY 2:00 PM PST ON FEBRUARY 11, 2025.
CITE: https://sam.gov/opp/64f15259d49f4c8ea3e603c04afe09ab/view
Posted: December 26, 2024
SPONSOR: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Pacific Division, Los Angeles District, Los Angeles, CA
SOL: W912PL25S0008
DUE: February 11, 2025
NAICS: 562910. THIS IS A SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE FOR MARKETING RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. The Government is seeking to identify both large and small business sources that are qualified to conduct the remedial action (RA) for the IKM-HS Superfund Site in Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona. The RA cleanup includes excavation and removal of contaminated soil exceeding established cleanup levels, disposal of contaminated soil, and restoration at residential and non-residential properties and selected areas at the former mine and smelter properties (Project). The RA will be completed in accordance with the Record of Decision - Iron King Mine-Humboldt Smelter (USEPA, 2023) the Residential Design Plan (Weston-TechLaw, 2024), and supplemental design information. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, and regulations including, but not limited to the 1968 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, as amended, and the 1980 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), as amended. There is an Industry Day planned for January 28, 2025, between the hours of 9 AM-3:30 PM. The purpose of the Industry Day is to encourage industry participation, allow for networking, answer respondent questions and confirm the project scope. There is no solicitation at this time. RESPONSES TO THE SOURCES SOUGHT QUESTIONNAIRE ARE DUE BY 2:00 PM PST ON FEBRUARY 11, 2025.
CITE: https://sam.gov/opp/b74df6a2e57c422a806a2c7af79a7319/view
Posted: December 26, 2024
SPONSOR: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Pacific Division, Los Angeles District, Los Angeles, CA
SOL: W912PL25S0009
DUE: February 11, 2025
NAICS: 237990. THIS IS A SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE FOR MARKETING RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. The Government is seeking to identify both large and small business sources that are qualified to conduct the remedial action (RA) for the IKM-HS Superfund Site in Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona. The ROD selected remedy is Alternative 3B: On-Site Consolidation/Containment at Two Repositories With Waste Remaining East and West of the Highway. The highway is State Route 69, which serves as the main road to Prescott, Arizona, from Arizona Interstate 17. The Construction Contractor will be expected to perform the work described in the ROD as Alternative 3B, including the dam removal, retaining wall construction, creating a cap for the two repositories, and other construction activities as described and/or as needed for the site. Alternative 3B calls for removing mine and smelter wastes and contaminated soils and moving them to two waste repositories. Mine wastes and contaminated soils from the former mine and surrounding areas west of Highway 69 would be moved into a repository on the existing mine tailings pile west of the highway. Mine wastes at the former smelter and in the Chaparral Gulch east of Highway 69 would be moved into a second waste repository east of the highway. Additionally, the Lower Chaparral Gulch Dam east of the highway shall be removed to allow access to waste in the Lower Chaparral Gulch and restore the natural hydraulics and vegetation of the drainage. This shall include watershed and habitat restoration. A specific plan for removal of the dam will be provided to the dam removal contractor. There is an Industry Day planned for January 28, 2025, between the hours of 9 AM-3:30 PM. The purpose of the Industry Day is to encourage industry participation, allow for networking, answer respondent questions and confirm the project scope. There is no solicitation at this time. RESPONSES TO THE SOURCES SOUGHT QUESTIONNAIRE ARE DUE BY 2:00 PM PST ON FEBRUARY 11, 2025.
CITE: https://sam.gov/opp/5a0c5df759b34f6e9d760a5f2a6474f5/view
Posted: December 26, 2024
SPONSOR: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Pacific Division, Los Angeles District, Los Angeles, CA