Federal Contract Opportunities Update
Notices for February 10-16, 2025
SAM.gov is the official source for federal contract opportunities. This update contains summaries of procurement notices issued between February 10-16, 2025, that pertain to hazardous waste, investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination, and related environmental topics; however, it does not necessarily contain EVERY notice on these topics. If you would like to search for additional current and archived notices, please visit the SAM Contract Opportunities website.
NOTE: SAM assigns a new URL EVERY TIME a solicitation is updated, which means the links given here will not reflect future changes. To monitor for updates, either enter the SOL at the SAM search interface or use the "Follow" icon (if a registered user).
SOL: 140FS225Q0065
DUE: February 27, 2025
NAICS: 562910. THIS IS A TOTAL SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service requires a contractor to perform Small Arms Firing Range (SAFR) Remediation in the Kulm Wetland Management District (WMD) in North Dakota. Law Enforcement Officers and Refuge Staff used the now abandoned Kulm WMD's former firing range for training and annual re-qualifications for at least 25 years, however, the amount of shooting or lead contamination has not been documented. The work includes but is not limited to: registering the project remediation with the North Dakota Environmental Quality (NDDEQ) Voluntary Response Action Program; conducting site characterization via soil and water sampling; excavating and sieving approximately 120 cubic yards of soil for bullet and bullet fragments from the berms face; treating contaminated soil and/or disposing it at an approved facility; retesting "face of berm" confirmation sampling via soil sampling -- if a sample comes back with exceedances, the contractor must contact the COR and Contracting Officer to discuss removal of additional material and follow-up confirmation sampling; providing a written Voluntary Response Action Completion (VRAC) Report and obtaining a "Certification of Completion" letter from the North Dakota Environmental Quality. Site visits during normal business hours can be arranged. A firm-fixed-price award will be made to the responsible offeror
whose offer conforms to the solicitation and will be most advantageous to the Government, price
and other factors considered. QUOTES ARE DUE BY 3:00 PM EST ON FEBRUARY 27, 2025.
CITE: https://sam.gov/opp/8c8b24f8dfe74c8ba074f8824d43f8c0/view
Posted: February 14, 2025
SPONSOR: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, SAT Team 2, Falls Church, VA
SOL: 68HE0725R0002
NAICS: 541620. WHEN THIS SOLICITATION IS RELEASED ON OR ABOUT MARCH 7, 2025, IT WILL BE COMPETED AS A FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7, requires a contractor to provide nationally consistent services to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs) and other federal officials implementing EPA's responsibilities under the National Response System. The contractor shall fulfill these responsibilities within the region as well as outside the region on a backup regional response, cross-regional response, national response, and international response. The contractor shall be prepared to provide scientific/technical support for EPA activities in furtherance of the agency's primary mission: the protection of human health and the environment. Additionally, the contractor shall provide advisory and assistance services to other programs, such as Brownfields and remedial support services, when other available contracting mechanisms for those services are unavailable or impracticable. Contract responsibilities include providing: 24-hour, seven-days-a-week response activities, including emergency, counterterrorism, oil spill, federal disaster, Potentially Responsible Party, and minor containment response, and fund-lead removals; Preparedness and Prevention Activities; Assessment/Inspection Activities; Technical Support Activities; Data Management and Mapping Support; and Training. It is the Government's intent to award one, Fixed Unit Rate Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract with a three-year base period with two two-year options for a total possible period of 7 years. The estimated ceiling is expected to be between $75 - $100 million for the 7-year period. The award will be made on a best value/tradeoff basis. There is no solicitation at this time.
CITE: https://sam.gov/opp/bcb51b5b7c3b4be9bf030bd89a1a12cf/view
Posted: February 11, 2025
SPONSOR: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7 Contracting Office, Lenexa, KS
SOL: FA890325R0031
NAICS: 562910. WHEN THIS SOLICITATION IS RELEASED, IT WILL BE COMPETED AS AN SBA-CERTIFIED WOMEN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS (WOSB) PROGRAM SET-ASIDE. The U.S. Department of the Air Force requires a contractor to perform environmental remediation activities to achieve the performance requirements at 24 Installation Restoration Program (IRP) sites at Air Force Plant 4 (AFP 4) in Fort Worth, Texas. AFP 4 occupies approximately 726 acres, manufactures aircraft for the Air Force, and is operated by Lockheed Martin. The Air Force desires that all sites be remediated to standards that allow for the current or reasonably anticipated future land use of the property. The Period of Performance includes a one-year base period and nine one-year options periods. Comments, questions, or concerns must be submitted to the Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist by the close of business on March 7, 2025, using the Excel document provided in this announcement. The Government will review all questions received and will post the questions and answers on SAM.gov on March 14, 2025. There is no solicitation at this time.
CITE: https://sam.gov/opp/52cb9a57709c42d295b7d0e889acd96e/view
Posted: February 13, 2025
SPONSOR: U.S. Department of the Air Force, Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center, Joint Base San Antonio, Lackland, TX
SOL: W912DQ25RA012
NAICS: 562910. WHEN THIS SOLICITATION IS RELEASED ON OR ABOUT FEBRUARY 26, 2025, IT WILL BE COMPETED AS A TOTAL SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division, requires contractors with the capability and experience to perform a wide range of remedial action services at hazardous waste sites. These efforts may include environmental removal actions, remedial actions, and other remediation activities as well as related activities necessary to ensure complete and successful remediation. Remedial activities may include, but not be limited to, excavation, transportation, and disposal of hazardous, toxic, or low-level radiological waste; construction and operation of groundwater treatment facilities including structures, treatment equipment, related extraction well networks and piping; dredging, ex-situ or in-situ treatment, and disposal of contaminated sediments; decommissioning of existing facilities; installation and operation of in situ treatment technologies including but not limited to air sparging, chemical oxidation, chemical reduction, enhanced bioremediation, groundwater circulating wells, permeable reactive barriers, soil vapor extraction, and thermal treatment; remediation incidental to munitions constituents; mine waste reclamation or reclamation of abandoned mine lands; water line installations/service connections and the installation of well head treatment systems; and utility line replacement and/or remediation along utility lines; and erosion, sewer, and storm water controls for the purpose of compliance and/or pollution prevention. Supporting activities include, but are not limited to, sampling and laboratory analysis of soil, groundwater, surface water, air, and sediments; monitoring well, extraction well, and injection well installation, monitoring, and maintenance; supporting facilities for construction; work plan preparation; construction completion reports, as-built drawings, periodic monitoring reports, operation and monitoring reports, and other documents as needed; demolition; and public relations activities. The award will be a Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) with a maximum value of $245 million. There is no limit to the number of Task Orders that may be issued against the MATOC. Orders may be either fixed-price or cost-reimbursement type. There is no solicitation at this time.
CITE: https://sam.gov/opp/6f08d87a35874c038cd9ef51311ec593/view
Posted: February 11, 2025
SPONSOR: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division, Kansas City District, Kansas City, MO