Green Remediation Focus
Aligning with National Goals
Green remediation strategies are derived from U.S. statutory and regulatory frameworks for contaminated site cleanup. The strategies also involve concepts of federal statues, executive orders, and associated guidance or rules that specifically address reductions in energy and water consumption, increased use of renewable energy, avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions, and conservation of other natural resources.
Executive Orders, Presidential Memoranda, Federal Laws & Guidance
America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018. Public Law 115-27058. October 23, 2018.
Council on Environmental Quality Memorandum: Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Federal Decision Making. November 15, 2021. *New*
Energy Policy Act of 2005. Public Law 109-58. August 8, 2005.
Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Public Law 110-140. December 19, 2007.
- EISA Federal Facility Management and Benchmarking Reporting Requirements. U.S. DOE Federal Energy Management Program.
- Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects. U.S. EPA.
Executive Order 13624: Accelerating Investment in Industrial Energy Efficiency. August 30, 2012.
Presidential Memorandum: Climate Change and National Security. September 21, 2016. Reinstated January 27, 2021. *New*
Related Federal Plans & Guides
Guidelines for Making Environmentally-Sound Decisions in the Superfund Remedial Process. U.S. EPA/Region 5 Waste Management Division. May 1993.
Guidelines for Water Reuse. U.S. EPA Office of Water/Office of Wastewater Management and Office of Research and Development/National Risk Management Research Laboratory and U.S. Agency for International Development. EPA/600/R-12/618. September 2012.
Integrating Water and Waste Programs to Restore Watersheds: A Guide for Federal and State Project Managers. U.S. EPA/Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. EPA 540K07001. August 2007.
Managing Your Environmental Responsibilities: A Planning Guide for Construction and Development (MYER Guide). U.S. EPA/Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. EPA 305-B-04-003. April 2005.
Strategically Sustainable. General Services Administration.
The President's Climate Action Plan . Executive Office of the President. June 2013.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency FY 2018-2024 Strategic Plan. February 12, 2018.
Water Reuse Action Plan. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. *New*